
高中·《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》说课稿

2021-07-26 10:15 湖北教师招聘 https://hb.huatu.com/湖北教师考试群 文章来源:未知


高中·《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》说课稿由湖北教师考试提供同步湖北人事考试。更多关于高中·《Nelson Mandela-a modern he,湖北教师招聘备考技巧的内容,请关注湖北教师考试频道/湖北人事考试咨询电话:027-87870401。湖北教师考试交流群:湖北教师考试群

高中·《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》说课稿
Good morning, dear judges. I am candidate No. ___, applying for senior high school English
To make my presentation much clearer, I’ll describe my thoughts from the following aspects:
analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching
procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.
1. Analysis of teaching material
The text I am going to present is Elias’ story. It is taken from Unit 5, module 1, published by PEP
for senior high school students. It is a reading text about Elias including the changes of his life and his
feelings before and after he met Nelson Mandela etc. The study of this text can not only help Ss gain
some basic information about Elias and Nelson, but it can also inspire them and make them want to be
great in real life.
According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material
and analyzing the rule of students’ growing of mind, the teaching aims are set as follows:
1. Ss can gain some basic information about Elias including the changes of his life and his
feelings before and after he met Nelson Mandela. They can also learn to appreciate the greatness of
Mandela through Elias’ story. .
2. Ss can get the main idea through the title and fast reading. The basic information of Elias can
be obtained through scanning. They can also carry out simulate communicative activities based on the
obtained information about Elias and Mandela.
3. Ss can be inspired to respect and admire Nelson Mandela. They can realize the noble qualities
possessed by great people and aspire to devote themselves to being a great person.
Teaching key and difficult points:
Ss can grasp the basic information of Elias and Mandela and their reading ability can be improved
through the employment of various reading strategies.
-42-2. Analysis of the students
Though having had a solid basic knowledge of English, students in senior high school haven’t
got rid of dumb English completely. Furthermore, not all of them can apply what they learn to realistic
communication with others. By active learning, independent learning and reflective learning, this text
is to improve the students’ comprehensive ability of language using.
3. Teaching and learning methods
The new curriculum standard puts such in the first place as “cultivating students’ interest in
learning English, building self-confidence, developing good habits of autonomous learning” to boost
teaching and learning efficiency. Therefore, I will guide students from the following aspects.
(1) Using audio visual method to help students understand the words and phrases one by one.
While grasping the main idea of the dialogue, students can figure out its detailed information;
(2) Using communicative method to not only help the students make a better understanding of the
dialogue by talking with others but also help to exercise their ability of language expression as well as
to improve their spoken English;
(3) Using practice-consolidation method to enable students to use what they have learned flexibly.
Now come the most important part of my presentation- teaching procedures.
4. Teaching Procedures
As the old saying goes, a good beginning is half done. So is a good lead in. An effective lead-in
can arouse Ss’ interest and instantly involve them in the class learning. So in the step of lead in,
Step 1 Lead-in
I will invite Ss to play a Guessing Game. A brief introduction to two persons will be given and Ss
need to guess who they are to present the topic of great person and famous person. For instance,
T: He comes from Twain. His performances were four times selected to the CCTV Spring
Festival Gala Show. He plays magic.
T: He was a prisoner. He passed away on December 5th, 2013. He devoted to his life to helping
black people get the same rights as the white people.
Riddles and pictures can be used to lead in the topic of great person to get Ss interested in the
Step 2 Pre-reading
I will raise the following two questions for Ss to ponder over.
Are both of Liu Qian and Nelson Mandela are great people? Are great people and famous people
the same? What makes a person great?
-43-The topic-related questions can easily and readily prepare the Ss for the following study of the
text. In the meanwhile, motivate Ss’ relevant cognition can be stimulated.
Step 3 While-reading
When it comes to understanding the text and help Ss cultivate efficient reading strategies, I will
instruct Ss to do skimming and scanning. In the part of skimming, Ss skim the first several lines of
the text to find out the main characters told in Elias’ story. In the part of scanning, Ss scan the text to
answer the two questions and think over what happened during the lapse of 11 years.
What help did Mandela offer to black people in 1952?
What did Elias do in 1963?
Then Ss scan the text to find out the changes of Elias life and feelings at the different three stages,
namely, before Elias met Mandela, after Mandela helped him and when Elias joined ANC.
What was his life like before he met Nelson Mandela?
How did he feel at that time?
What help did Mandela offer to Elias? How did he feel about his life after receiving the help
from Mandela?
What was his life like after he joined ANC? How did he feel about his new life?
Was Elias just a particular example? How about other black people living in South Africa?
What was their life like before and after ANC was founded?
Who brought these changes to Elias and South Africans?
The purpose is for Ss to develop reading comprehension ability and information-processing
Step 4 Post-reading
Give a speech
I will create a situation in which Elias was hurt when blowing up the government building
yesterday. Nelson Mandela is going to give a speech about Elias. Ss need to complete the speech for
Nelson Mandela. The first and last paragraph of the speech have been given as follows.
My fellow South Africans, today I want to share the story of our hero, Elias, who was hurt
I am proud of Elias, of you all. Let’s unite to realize the ideal for which we are prepared to die.
Through the meaningful of activity of completing and delivering the speech, task-based teaching
method is adopted to provide Ss with a real-life situation to use the language to improve their
communicative and cooperative abilities.
-44-Step 5 Summary
Ss are encouraged to summarize the key points involved in this lesson. I make supplements if
necessary. I will also emphasize the admirable qualities possessed by great people and encourage Ss to
cultivate them so as to be great someday.
Targets: Consolidate the knowledge they have learned today and achieve the emotional aims.
Step 6 Homework
Ss search online for more information about Nelson Mandela or other great people and write it
down. They are supposed to share it next time.
Targets: Use the language they learn and improve their English writing skills.
5. Blackboard design
Elia’s story
Elias met Mandela Elia’s changes
At last, I’d like to say something about my blackboard design. My blackboard writing is
presented along with my class teaching. They perfectly complement each other, making it much easier
for Ss to understand the key points of today’s lesson.
That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for your listening.




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    濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺缁樺灩閸犳洖鐣疯箛娑樼婵炴垶绮堢划褏绱掑Δ浣诡梿闁伙富鍨卞鍕槾闁靛洦绮撳畷鐘绘晸閿燂拷 濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺缁樺灩閸犳洖鐣疯箛娑樼婵炴垶绮堢划褔姊婚崼娑樼伇闁伙富鍨崇划鍫ユ偂鎼达紕妯� 濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺缁樺灩閸犳洖鐣疯箛娑樼婵炴垶绮堢划褍顭跨捄鐑樼┛闁逞屽墮閸熸壆绱炴径灞惧珰闁跨噦鎷� 濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺缁樺灩閸犳洖鐣疯箛娑樼婵炴垶绮堢划褏绱掑Δ浣诡梿闁伙富鍨抽幏鐘诲礈瑜夐弻锟� 濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺缁樺灩閸犳洖鐣疯箛鏃傤洸闁靛牆妫涢妶锔剧磽閸ラ攱瀚� 濠电姭鍋撻柡宓喚鍤氶梺鍝勫€瑰妯虹暦閺囩喓鈻曢柨鏇楀亾缂併劎鏁哥划顓㈠籍閸モ晜笑婵犮垹鐖㈤崨顐$不闂佸憡鐗幏锟� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夊湱绱掑Δ浣诡梿闁伙富鍨抽幏鐘诲礈瑜夐弻锟� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夊綊鏌涜箛锝呭闁规祴鍓濋敍鎰板礋椤撶儐鍞� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夊湱绱掑Δ浣诡梿闁伙富鍨崇划鍫ユ偂鎼达紕妯� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夌懓霉濠у灝鈧牜绮婇敂鍓х闁跨噦鎷� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夊湱绱撻崘鈺佺仼缂侇喖澧庣槐鏃堝箣閿濆骸娈� 闂佹悶鍎村Λ鍕敊瀹ュ鍋ㄩ柣銏㈡暩缁夊綊鏌涢妷銉ョ稏闁告梻鍠撶槐鏃堝箣閿濆骸娈� 婵炴垶鎸搁ˇ顖炲Φ閸ャ劍浜ら柟閭﹀灡閸庡鏌涢悢閿嬵棤闁荤噥浜為幏鐘诲即閳藉棗娈剧紓浣割儜閹凤拷 闂佺厧宕總鏃傜礊閸涱厙娑㈠焵椤掑倹顫曢柨鐕傛嫹 婵炴垶鎼╅崢鐓幟瑰Δ鍛€婚柣鏃囶嚙绾炬悂鏌涜箛锝呭闁规祴鍓濋敍鎰板礋椤撶儐鍞�
    闂佹悶鍎遍埀顒傚暱閸嬫捇宕橀妸锔绢洯婵炴垶妫戦梽鍕汲閳ь剟鏌℃径娑欏 闂佺ǹ娴氶崜娆愭叏閻旂厧宸濇俊顖滃劋缁傚牆鈽夐弮鎾绘闁哄棌鍋撻梺鍝勵檧閹凤拷 婵炲瓨绮岄鍕箔閻旂厧纭€闁哄洦姘ㄧ粔鎾煕閵夈儱缍栭柛鏃傚枛瀵偄鈻庨幇顓犵▌ 闂佽桨鐒﹂悷銉х箔閳ь剟鏌熼柨瀣灱濞寸姵甯″畷鍫曞矗閵夈儱顫犻梺杞扮劍閻燂箑岣块敓锟� 闂佽桨鐒﹂悷銉х箔閳ь剟鎮硅鐎氼參鎮ч幖浣哥倞闁告瑣鍎辨慨娑㈡煛娴e湱鎳勬繛纭锋嫹 闂佸憡鐗炲畷鐢稿几閻旂厧纭€妞ゆ劑鍊栭弲鎼佹煕閵夈儱缍栭柛鏃傚枛瀵偄鈻庨幇顓犵▌ 闂佸憡鐗炲畷鐢稿几閻旂儤灏庨柛鏇ㄥ墰婢规劙鎮归崶锔绢槮婵炲瓨蓱缁嬪﹪鏁傞懞銉︾暚闂佸搫顧€閹凤拷 闂備胶鍋撻崕濂搞€侀幋锕€绠繛鎴炵矆缁囨煕閵夈儱缍栭柛鏃傚枛瀵偄鈻庨幇顓犵▌ 闂佸憡鍔栫划宀勫疾閵忋垺鍋橀悘鐐跺Г缁傚牆鈽夐弮鎾绘闁哄棌鍋撻梺鍝勵檧閹凤拷 闂佺ǹ娴氶崜娆撴偩閵娾晛绠繛鎴炵矤閸斿懘鏌涢妷銉ョ稏闁告梻鍠栧顐⑩枎閹邦厾绋� 闂佸憡鍔栭惄顖毼i敃鍌氭闁搞儺浜欓幑宥夋煕閵夈儱缍栭柛鏃傚枛瀵偄鈻庨幇顓犵▌ 闂備礁寮堕崹濂告倵閻戞ḿ顩烽幖瀛樼箘閻熷綊鎮硅鐎氼參鎮ч幖浣哥倞闁告瑣鍎辨慨娑㈡煛娴e湱鎳勬繛纭锋嫹 缂備讲鍋撻柟顖嗗啴娈悗瑙勬偠閸庢壆绱為弮鍫熷殌闁告侗鍠栭悵锝夋煠鏉堫煁顏劽瑰Ο鑽も枙闁挎棁濮ゅ▓宀勬煛婢舵稒瀚� 缂備讲鍋撻柛娆嶅劤缁愭鈧鎮堕崕鎵礊閺冨牊鍤€闁告盯顣﹂幑宥呪槈閹惧顣查柟绋款樀閻涱喚鈧湱濮崑鎾诲礃椤撶姵笑闂佹悶鍎辫ぐ鐐哄礉閻旂厧鏋佹繛鍡樺姈缂嶏拷 缂傚倸鍟崹鍦垝閸撲焦瀚氶柛鎾椻偓閺岋拷